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Women at Calvary “Fall in Love with Health”

September 25, 2014

On Monday we welcomed health care professionals and volunteers for the Fall Health Fair, where women had the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about health issues that matter to them. Some of the topics discussed during the day included menopause, breast health, mental illness and colon health. The Fall Health Fair was organized by Calvary’s summer intern Sara Mullery.

P1010615 Representatives from the Capital Breast Care Center located in Southeast DC started the Fair with a presentation on breast health, mammograms and the importance of doing regular self-exams. Students from the George Washington University School of Nursing followed up with a presentation on menopause. Women recognized some familiar volunteer faces from the first “Your Health” class at Calvary held earlier this month. Next, a speaker from the National Alliance on Mental Illness Northern Virginia, spoke candidly about her lifelong struggle with depression. She shared moments from her “dark days” as well as the diagnosis, treatment and coping techniques that allow her to manage her depression and still have a full life. Finally, women heard a myth-busting presentation about colon health given by Jessica, a program assistant from the Howard University Cancer Center.

Following a morning full of interactive and engaging presentations, residents enjoyed lunch and visited stations where they could have their blood pressure taken, get a relaxing massage, check their body mass index (BMI) and learn about sustainable farming practices that produce healthy fruits and vegetables.

P1010649The LEAP space bustled with activity as women visited different tables. Many women commented positively on the amount of information they picked up. It was hard for anyone to pick their favorite topic of the day! Conversations surrounding women’s health will continue as the weekly “Your Health” class focuses on subjects like diabetes and dental hygiene.

Thank you to all of the groups and individuals who contributed to the Fall Health Fair, including CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield, the George Washington University School of Nursing, Howard University Cancer Center, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Northern Virginia, Common Good City Farm, the Capital Breast Care Center and massage therapist Kelly Bowers. Special thanks to CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield for generously donating reusable bags, lip balm, toothbrushes, hand sanitizer and pedometers.

View more photos from the Health Fair on our Flickr page.



health fair participants and Sara

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